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(3 edits)

I have no idea where the two missing secrets were, but had I seen them, I would have collected them, please consider adding a map to this game demo which unfolds the more the player explores and tells them where the uncollected secrets are.

With that said I never want to play this game again in my life, my brain is fried, it's 04:57 AM and I am tired.

This was all done at base speed, no slowing. Also I got the one that required 4 keys.

Wow. Well done, this is exactly what I hoped for. But one whole hour? Damn.

I haven't thought of adding a map, that's a good idea actually.

Is it possible you can add a map???


Definitely to the full game, idk if I'll want to add it to this demo. I mean I can add a very simple one which would just be a freecam, we'll see. For now you have this screenshot I posted lol.

freecam map would be great!

Yes! That would be so awesome!

(1 edit)

Hehe speedrun (had to update the game again because it was impossible to escape after collecting one of the rifts)



This is great! I really like these types of minimal, hyper focused games.